EC Meeting Papers July 2018
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Internationalism In a globalised world, where trade is interconnected, what we do here – or what happens ‘over there’ – affects us all. Internationalism (the sense that working people have common interests, regardless of race, nationality, or location) has always underpinned the Labour Movement. In many respects, internationalism is more important to trade unions than it ever has been. The increasing internationalism of the world economy demands similarly internationalist from the trade unions, themselves. If they are to survive and flourish, then trade unions need to develop sufficient strength and unity of purpose to be able to counterbalance the dominant power of global capital. The following GFTU day schools are intended as lively and thought- provoking introductions to different cultures and ways of pursuing progressive political and industrial agendas, that emphasise ‘that an injury to one’ is still, very much, ‘an injury to all’.
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