Currently the hotel is achieving the an occupancy of 71 % up until the 30 th September against an occupancy of 65% budget for the year with an average room rate of £64 against a budget of £66. During the first 9 months of 2017 all months have over performed against the budgeted occupancy for 2017 and we continue to expect this trend until the end of the year. The budget set for 2018 takes into account the disruption that will be taking place over the year 2018. Due to the construction the front area and parking will all be relocated to the area on the left as you enter the entrance of the Hotel where a temporary car park will be created on the grass area and the bridge has been extended to allow access to the field for overflow parking. The old Front door will be utilized for the entrance for the hotel for a minimum of 12 weeks whilst a new sewer and overflow tank are constructed in the area directly outside the front of the hotel and under the current parking area to the right of the existing front door. This will also impact on the nursey for the entire period of construction.

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