Educational Trustees Meeting Nov 2017
24 Extra costs will also be incurred during the new build on the following items. The first is not an option. The water storage reservoir for waste water will have to be bigger than anticipated, in fact it will go under most of the car park. 25 Extra costs will be entailed if we extend the Goodacre suite because hotel offices will have to be constructed in the reception area. 26 The Trust has no written agreements with either the GFTU, Hotel or Nursery for their occupation of our property. There will be a need for proper leases to be put in place upon completion of the new build to guarantee income to the Trust and clarify terms. These have been drafted by our lawyers and should considered in detail next year. 27 As you will see the lawyers have identified an anomaly in ownership. The land and property were purchased by the GFTU Educational Trust. Our lawyers say that this was incorrect as the Trust is not incorporated and they suggest a couple of solutions. Subject to further discussion with them and the views of the Trustees I would propose that we transfer ownership in the name of 2-4 Trustees. 28 These structural and tenancy issues, coupled with any resulting financial implications are the big ones we face to discharge our responsibilities. 30 We have proposed two further Service Level Agreements to one union at their request to generate further income through the finance team. No response has yet been received. 31 We have carefully analysed the income generated by our management of education courses for one union and this is satisfactory. 32 We have tendered for the whole financial services work, accountancy and audit for another union. We have been shortlisted and will present our case on November 9th. This tender will be worth £68k per annum and will require the employment of another finance officer. Commission will come to the Trust. 33 Further meetings on marketing our other new services, the ethical shop, publishing house and so on will need to be held with the Operations Manager. 34 The new housing on the Quorn site could be potentially managed in house, saving costs, and this will be explored. 35 We are dissatisfied with the services we have received by hotel and accommodation companies and are actively considering forming our own company. 36 We have discussed kitting out our new classrooms with support from the Leeds Beckett University. 29 We have been successful in generating new income from shared services.
37 We are considering grant applications for our future International Study visit for the GFTU EC.
38 We are supporting a number of grant applications for educational and history related projects.
39 This has been a difficult period staffing wise with a great deal of attention to HR being needed and perhaps a disproportionate amount of my time spent on it. Relative to our success over
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