Educational Trustees Meeting Nov 2017
the last four years in recruiting and settling in and induction and supporting some 70 new staff overall, the difficulties are perhaps not as bad as they could have been. 40 Recruitment and selection has taken place for the position of a new Education Administrator and I will report on this at the meeting. 41 A period of self-reflection amongst the SMT that I instigated has appeared to have worked. Further support and training will be offered to one member of the SMT. 42 The part time Office Support Worker with a 75% allocation of time to the Trust has resigned and I am in discussions about the advisability or otherwise of retaining this post.
A new finance officer has been taken on during Daniella’s maternity cover.
1% of spend on Art.
44 We have recently purchased prints for the restaurant from AEU member Louise Bradley. We have also now hung the pictures by Eric Wong. Part of these acquisitions was from our donation from the Rowe Leventon Trust when it dissolved.
45 Organising the Liberating Arts Festival has been extremely time consuming and has been well managed by our producer Chris Jury. Cutting an extremely long story short we are progressing with this as a cut down version. A further report will be given at the meeting.
46 Our books on trade union education and trade union related plays have received great reviews which can be seen on the Workable Books site.
Affiliation fees.
47 Current affiliation fees are 98p per member per year. It is up to the F&GP to make a recommendation on this to the NEC.
Unions using Quorn.
48 I am pleased to report that UNISON, NEU and CWU will all be using Quorn for the first time shortly for prestige national events. UNISON Bradford have circulated 10,000 leaflets to their members advertising our new year offer.
ICT Policy.
49 A draft of our new ICT Policy document is attached for reference. This will be agreed by the SMT. Other key policies like Staff Handbook, Finance Policy are subject to internal annual SMT review.
End of Year EC.
Jeremy Corbyn is actively considering our invitation to our end of year dinner.
Work for Treasury team
51 Meetings have been held with the Treasury team to consider joint education work and use of Quorn.
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