Educational Trustees Meeting Nov 2017
sensitive information needs to be treated confidentially and securely when processed through the Internet and via e-mail.
3. Areas to be aware of and guard against for the workplace and personal use
3.1 Defamation – this refers to making an untrue statement damaging to the reputation of a person or organisation.
Publishing or possessing obscene materials .
3.3 Harassment – this refers to the use of threatening or abusive words, creating a hostile workplace and discriminating on grounds of sex, race or age.
3.4 Creating binding contracts – this can happen unintentionally or without the necessary authority.
3.5 Infringement of copyright – by procurement and use of unlicensed software or copyright materials.
3.6 Improper use of personal data – making unauthorised disclosures, such as publishing personal data including names and pictures on the Internet without the individual’s knowledge or consent and having inadequate security procedures.
3.7 Privacy – not protecting confidential data adequately or giving adequate advice about monitoring or the lack of privacy in the use of electronic systems.
Using E-Mail and Computing Facility
E-mail enables staff to send electronic messages to anyone set up on GFTU address book. Staff can also send and receive E-mails from anyone with an E-mail address outside of GFTU.
Good Practice when using this facility include the following:
4.1 E-mails should be carefully composed and presented. They must not present a poor image of GFTU, be unwelcome or cause offence, harass or irritate the recipient. 4.2 No confidential or sensitive information should be sent by external E-mail, as it is inherently insecure. An external E-mail message is only as secure as a post card and is therefore unsuitable for personal or confidential data. 4.3 Email is inherently insecure and is therefore inadvisable to use when transmitting personal or other confidential information. Sensitive information should be enclosed in a document or spreadsheet secured with a (strong) password. Send the password to the recipient in a separate email.
4.3 Check your E-mails regularly and respond to them promptly, accepting invitations to meetings as appropriate so that they can be added to your calendar.
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