Educational Trustees Meeting Nov 2017
4.4 Take care in opening any attachments or following links to web sites when received by email. Only open them if you know and trust the sender and be vigilant as malicious content is commonly sent from email addresses which impersonate personal contacts. If in any doubt ask the designated IT person – Entegraty for advice.
4.5 Keep your E-mails tidy – delete unwanted messages and file others appropriately.
4.7 Be aware of legal implications of including personal, contractual, inaccurate or potentially offensive information.
Conditions for using E-mail and computing equipment
5.1 Individuals are responsible for protecting their own user names and passwords, and not to share user credentials with others. Passwords should be unlikely to be guessed and be best at minimum of 8 characters to include a number and/or other non-alphabet characters. (eg: &, % ,$ )
Do not log onto the computer system as somebody else.
Do not use USB memory sticks.
Do not send chain letters by e-mail.
5.5 Restrict the circulation of E-mails to the people who really need to know and act upon the information.
5.6 Management should be notified of unsolicited, offensive materials received by any employee of this system.
Using the Internet
The Internet is a public information highway - a vast interconnected network of computers facilitating worldwide communications. The World Wide Web (www) is the Internet’s most rapidly growing, easy access to pages of information through hypertext. As such it is a valuable source of reference and an important means of keeping up to date. The ICT Co- ordinator can provide advice on how best to use the Internet.
Good Practice in using The Internet
7.1 When using the Internet be aware that it is an “open” network with little or no regulation over its content and not designed with security in mind. Hacking can and does take place. 7.2 Use your common sense and keep away from any unsuitable sites – even though inadvertently. If you are discovered accessing pornographic or terror extremist sites this may lead to disciplinary action.
7.3 Large file transfers and operations ( 10 Mb +) may have a significant impact on the network and disrupt the work of other users.
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