GFTU BGCM 2019 Minutes
they should be doing as employers and looking after the workers that they
have. So we have a job to do. We have got to start to learn to fight again back
against employers who are putting our members’ health at risk. In my own
industry over the past year we have had a number of suicides. In fact, it was
not so long ago that one of our fulltime officials took their own life. You almost
feel a sense of guilt that that is happening. Was it something that we did that
was wrong? It could have been any pressure, but society today – divorce,
homelessness, rehousing – all those things are stress, but on top of that we
have so much pressure that comes from the workplace and we as activists and
the people who are back in the workplaces have got to do more. We have to
take it on ourselves to push forward. We need a change of Government, and I
do not mean change to Farage. We need a Labour Government that is
committed to putting more money into the health service and mental health, but
making sure that there is more money that goes into education, so people like
the GFTU educators can get out there and promote what it is, making sure that
business does what it is meant to do, making sure that Government does what
it is meant to do and making sure that we do the things that are right by our
members. Comrades, please support. (Applause)
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much, Ronnie. Any other speakers on this
motion? (No response)
Motion 4 was CARRIED unanimously
THE PRESIDENT: Now I move to Motion 1. You will find this on page 1 of the light
blue section in the book. It is moved by the Association of Educational
SIS ANGELA PRATTEN (AEP) moved the following motion:
This conference notes the actions currently being taken by both the Scottish
and Welsh Governments towards introducing legislation which will provide
greater protection for children in Wales and a statement from the Children’s
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