GFTU BGCM 2019 Minutes
about more than just a few weeks over the summer. Youth work has to happen
every week of the year and youth work has to be meeting young people where
they are and not having a very prescriptive set of activities in a very specific
order that is a sort of process that you go through and then it spits you out at
the end and then you are on your own. I think the NCS does work really well
for young people it works for. My concern is that it does not work for the young
people that we actually as a Labour Government would be desperately trying to
reach out for and the ones that we would prioritise. So it probably plays a part.
It probably plays a slightly different role to what it currently does.
MIKE SEAL: It is just kind of looking at the knock on. I have been for years the
Programme Leader for Youth and Community Work at Newman University,
Birmingham, and there used to be in the West Midlands area, depending on
how you count it, four or five universities who delivered it. Now there are two
and both are under threat. So it is kind of a knock on that happens, because I
suppose what we would like is a commitment as well, I suppose, for that
ongoing quality training that you need to have for youth and community work
and that is not just about university but it is about quality training that people
have. The trouble is, once you close a course, it is pretty hard to get it
reopened, so I think some kind of commitment and steer from a future Labour
Government that says, “We will take that commitment all the way through”
would be welcomed.
CAT SMITH: Thanks, Mike. I do not really know what I can add to that. I think your
analysis of the current situation of youth work education is probably fairly
accurate and it does feel very depressing when we think about it, but I am one
of life’s optimists and I think that we can rebuild a youth service that is exciting
and dynamic, but we only do that by working with young people. I realise that I
have delivered what is quite a processy and probably quite detailed speech
about how we are progressing in the sort of minutia of rebuilding this, but far
more important than all the words I have said today is the fact that we need to
ensure that young people rebuild the youth service and not just some 30
something politician like myself, because as far as many young people are
concerned, I am past it. Yes, they tell me that as well! It is so important and I
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