GFTU BGCM 2019 Minutes
collaboration is absolutely critical if we are going to overcome some of the most
significant challenges I believe we face in society today, the opportunities for
our young, how we invest in them and how we provide a future that we can all
see intergenerationally and whole society, because it will have to be whole
society. There is no getting away from this. Don’t anyone think that they are
immune from having to address this issue.
I achieved my black belt in 18 months. Self discipline. My mum’s tough love
was intense. People always said to me, “Was there ever a chance of you
ending up being a bad boy?” Not a chance. My mother is the most intense
warrior I have ever and will ever face on the square or off the square! Believe
me, women are first, foremost and uttermost the single reason-- Don’t forget,
we take away discipline from society, we can basically go home. We are
Homosapiens. We have to have habit, ritual and know what those lines are,
not blurred. Discipline was the reason again that I was to survive everything
that I would achieve, but karate is a curriculum for life, all combat sports are.
School teachers who tell me that boxing is barbaric, do you want a black eye or
a bullet wound or a stab wound, because that is the reality. We have got so
much into this liberal notion of the utopian existence that suggests that
aggression is best channelled, focused, harnessed. I achieved that black belt
and Mr Kobayashi spoke no English, but he led by example. The wonderful
thing about sport, especially combat sports, is that it provides that whole
selfdiscipline, collective discipline, personal and collaborative respect, but it is
not the solution and it is both good and bad. Combat 18 is back, the English
Defence Alliance is back. Sport reflects society.
But Mrs Thatcher told me that sport was for the unclean. I did not like her
politics, but I certainly respected her leadership, because she believed, and I
will respect anyone who believes in what they believe in and follow that
ideology. When she said sport was for the unclean I challenged her. She
challenged me and, as I said, here I am, 27 years on in public life, transcending
six Prime Ministers on having to sell, promote and even beg and plead on all
the things I have said I have been the beneficiary of. I could go into any one of
seven facilities when I was younger. My mother gave me a key. When I lost
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