GFTU BGCM 2019 Minutes
significantly socioeconomically stupid thing we can do in our policy, illiteracy or
ignorance. If we invest, we will get a return. I cannot guarantee it, because we
are not doing it as the collective “we”, but I do know this. If you as unions in
this wonderful unique gathering can actually become a movement of activism,
as you were back then, now, the art of the possible becomes possible.
My mother said there are three words – “please”. Please respond to this call
of action. Benji Stanley’s mother, Violet, has fostered 430 children, apart from
bringing up eight of her own. She is the ultimate social coach. She still wants
to know why Benji was murdered and she would forgive the person who took
his life, but without that tragedy we would not have a global movement now. I
am sorry if I have made you uncomfortable, because many people say telling
the truth to power, and you are empowered with a significant ability to affect
change, because people say I put people’s back out. Flaming right! She said,
“Always say ‘thank you’ and mean it. If you say thank you and you mean it,
you might just be able to come back again”. Thank you for listening.
THE PRESIDENT: That was great. Geoff, a little gift for you.
The presentation was made amidst applause
THE PRESIDENT: Colleagues, the tea and coffee is ready for the break. I hope that
Geoff can stay and have a cup of tea with us and Matteo and if you have got
any questions I am sure they will be happy to have a conversation with you.
What we will do, we will take the tea break now and then we will adjourn for the
day, because I think it is so close it is not worth coming back. So we will see
you at Portcullis House at 5.30 for six. Make sure you get through security.
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