GFTU BGCM 2019 Minutes
Y200524CB. As I say, all you need to do is go and put it in on the tablet on
reception. I just do not want anybody having any surprises.
THE PRESIDENT: Great. Thanks, Ian. That is when we finish at the close of play?
THE PRESIDENT: Great. We have got Dave Ward coming, we hope, who could not
make it yesterday just to give us a talk about the future of unions I think, a new
deal for workers. Unfortunately, Mike Sanders who, as many of you know, is a
member of our Educational Trust is not well today and I think instead of that
Doug has got a written report from him and we will actually talk about some of
the work that he has been doing on our behalf when we get to that. I am going
to start with Motion 15 and that is from Voice.
BRO CHRIS WILSON (Voice) moved the following motion:
That this Biennial General Council Meeting notes with deep concern the
growing crisis in mental health among children and students.
Council recalls the GFTU’s commitment to education as liberation, and we
remember the vital importance of effective and targeted support for all children
and students – including but not limited to those with Special Educational
Needs and Disability (SEND) – if all are to reach their full potential.
Council further notes with growing alarm the on-going impact of funding cuts in
this area, not leas upon ordinary working people and their families.
Therefore, this BGCM calls upon the Executive Committee to:
(a) campaign against any reduction in education funding
(b) challenge the replacement of specialist professionals with ‘generalists’.
(c) press for bespoke support for all children and students with mental health issues.
(d) highlight the use of ‘internal exclusion’ as a cover for funding cuts.
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