GFTU BGCM 2019 Minutes
enough money. The NHS in November 2018 declared that one in eight
children, one in eight children, now have an identifiable mental health condition
and all of this is happening with internal exclusion used to cover cuts.
Conference and President, there is a real crisis here and there is also a
solution, that we as the GFTU should take our responsibility to campaign
against any further reduction in funding, that we should challenge the
replacement of specialists with generalists, that we should ensure bespoke
support for all of those with mental health challenges or issues. We should
highlight internal exclusion as a way of covering for cuts.
President, these actions represent the least we can do as trade unionists and
as the GFTU if we are to make the GFTU’s aspiration of education as liberation
a reality. I thank you for listening, conference, I am happy to move the motion.
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, Chris. Have we got a seconder for that motion?
SIS MAZ JACKSON (Community): President, conference, Maz Jackson,
Community, seconding Motion 15 on mental health in education. Conference,
approximately one in four people experience mental health problems each
year. In schools and colleges a high majority of students have been affected.
With mental health and stress related issues year after year, conference, the
mental health issue crisis is growing. Mental health is not a new issue. In
2012 Ed Milliband said: “It is the biggest unaddressed health challenge of our
age” and if we look around this room I am sure almost everyone here has
either experienced stress or mental health concerns themselves or knows
someone else who has, so we all recognise the importance of this motion and,
therefore, must prioritise the issue and ensure that there are no further
reductions in education funding. Conference, let’s champion mental healthcare
in the community and ensure the funding goes to educated workers who deal
with students on the frontline. Conference, this motion affects us all. We need
to change the culture of this topic and make it okay to speak out about mental
health concerns. Friends, please support this motion. Thank you. (Applause)
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