GFTU BGCM 2019 Minutes
Conference recognises that many of our sisters work in safety critical roles, yet
rarely do employers take this into consideration, nor do they have a
menopause policy.
Conference therefore agrees to drive a programme through our affiliates to
deliver menopause policies that will benefit all women workers whilst engaging
employers in facing up to their responsibilities.
She said: Chair, conference, good morning. Keeley Lipscombe speaking on
behalf of TSSA. I will apologise, I do not have quite the same fanfare as
Manuel who is currently absent today, so I will do my best. Comrades, half of
all the workforce in the UK is female and this means that at some stage they
will go through the menopause. The taboo around the subject is just being
broken thanks to ladies such as Louise Minchin, if you have seen her talks on
the news recently, they have been amazing. With so many being affected,
why are us ladies suffering in silence and what needs to change for us? The
reluctance for most women to speak out and discuss their symptoms is
understandable, but it need not be an awkward topic. We need to help
normalise this topic and have within our workplaces a policy to support those
going through this transition period. The menopause can happen to women at
any point from my age in their 30s right up into their 60s. There is no
demographic for when this can strike you and the average period for this can
be anything between four to eight years. Can you imagine that significant
period of time with no support, no help and no understanding from your
workplace, from your colleagues and the impact that will have on your family
life too? The symptoms can vary greatly and not all will be affected the same,
but most common being hot flushes, heart palpitations, high stress levels, lack
of concentration and also lack of patience with work colleagues, customers and
your family. This places women’s jobs in jeopardy due to poor performance
and disciplinary action being taken, by how this is affecting their behaviour.
I am asking you today to support our motion to start implementing a workplace
policy with all employers which will provide better training for managers in
understanding the condition and how best to support their staff, an open forum
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