GFTU BGCM 2019 Minutes
ear at any point telling them, “This is why we want you to vote yes”. “Have you
seen this video today?” “There is a new deal for workers campaign going on,
all the unions are part of it, do you want to be part of it?” We could talk to
them while they are at work and we could give them information that they can
download at any point and I think they would if you did it right. But that app
goes beyond that. That app is just the start for our own union. I think it could
be grown into something much bigger than that and we have got other ideas. I
need to keep them close at the moment, because they are still in the
development phase, but it will be a powerful tool.
GDPR is possibly a problem, but like a lot of things you have to overcome it,
so we have got a compliance team who are looking at that to make sure that
when we launch it we have overcome all of that.
BRO IAN LAWRENCE (NAPO): Thanks, Dave, for a fascinating report and I would
not argue with any of the points made in response. I think the key to some of
this was actually available to us yesterday. Unfortunately, you were not here
yesterday. We had the debate around the Shout Out initiative and I think all of
us were absolutely enthralled by that and its success so far and why it needs
supporting and promotion, getting out into schools, colleges, engaging with
young people at an early stage in their development and just implanting the fact
that trade unions are a force for good is a major thing. I would like the TUC to
actually step up its game in any number of ways, I agree with you, but I think
that is an initiative where they ought to be saying, “Here is the money”. Every
union should sponsor at least one school, college or whatever, at least, and get
out there. If we launched that on a concerted basis and a cohesive basis and
made that a major announcement from the TUC, that gets us in, out there and
we would need a good media campaign to do it. So we have the tools at our
disposal and I agree with you, we all want things to happen, but the TUC is not
moving quickly enough and that is why NAP love the GFTU so much. We
actually feel that we are being supported, we can do things and I do not feel we
are getting that from the TUC currently.
DAVE WARD: I agree, Ian.
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