GFTU BGCM 2019 Minutes
Indeed, apart from the motions which are concerned with the specific
workplace or industry specific matter, all the others address major issues which
impact on society as a whole – climate change, expanding access to
education, domestic violence, cultural democracy, mental health. We spoke
about issues which may bring young people to engage with us, first and
foremost, because we have the right campaign, we have got the right
communication, we have got the right message, we have got the right
messengers. That may raise their awareness of all the other things that a trade
union can do for them.
Whilst we may be active within our individual unions across all of these areas,
there are many which with the pooling of experience and resources that we
have within this room and beyond we could develop into powerful campaigns
under the banner of the federation to more effectively implement our policies
and resolutions. This was written before Dave addressed conference on some
of the initiatives that he is speaking about. As I contemplate the theme of this
conference, Altogether Now, and witness the spirit of fraternal collaboration in
evidence, I feel confident that our bonds as affiliates will continue to grow
At this point I am going to return to my own union for two particular purposes.
One is that it would be the elephant in the room not to allude to some of the
press coverage which has been pretty evident over many months. We have
already received that sort of headline back page coverage because of the
industry that we are in. The reports have chronicled meltdown, disaffection,
poor governance within the association. We were reported to be in turmoil with
an internal coup about to take place. We were not doing enough for members
and failing our former members suffering from dementia and mental health
problems. When the initial reports hit the headlines I was away from work, I
was away from the kind of hurly burly of that day to day activity as I was at
home recovering from minor surgery. Do you know what? The descriptions of
the organisation I read seemed to bear no resemblance to that which I and
many of my colleagues had served for a number of years, the organisation
which sought to provide its members with unrivalled services and benefits
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