GFTU BGCM 2019 Minutes
committees and boards, charitable organisations and community trusts. We
have also seen some graduate from the programme and continue to serve the
game in coaching and management roles, but over the last month we have lost
Darren Moore, a talented young manager who was in charge of a club called
West Bromwich Albion who were fourth in the league at the time, in the play
offs and he was sacked. There was not any real coherent explanation given.
This was a guy that was achieving all the aims, hitting all the targets and there
was a question that was asked: Why? I do not know, any of you, whether you
are interested in football or not, but there is a guy called Adrian Durham on
Talk Sport and he picked up on this. I will try and share the link to his radio
programme where he illustrated the inequity in dismissing that talented young
Another good friend of mine, Chris Hughton, has just been dismissed as
manager of Brighton, a club that he dragged into the premiership, put almost
four years of his hard work into maintaining their position in the most profitable
league in the world, took them to the semi-final of the FA Cup, kept them in the
division again and was sacked. All the work that we are doing to try and see
greater visibility in those areas of management, administration, in committee
representation, boardroom representation, it seems that it is a snakes and
ladders issue. Just when you think that everything is okay, as I said before, it
is not.
We have seen possibly with the new permissiveness which some might say
has been caused by the divisive nature and language of Brexit a resurgence of
racism on the terraces in football. I tell you what we have also seen. We have
seen the same impotence in addressing this from the stakeholders, all of them,
which we have witnessed for years. Racism is like a virus. It spreads
insidiously and rapidly when unchecked. I will just go a bit off piste here,
because I recently suffered a bout of shingles and I went to the doctor and the
doctor said, “Yes, it is shingles, it emerges from the chickenpox virus and it
manifests itself in adults as shingles”. The chicken pox virus lies dormant at
the base of your spine and then it just waits for the right preconditions to
resurface, it waits for the right environment and then, as I say, it just manifests
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