GFTU BGCM 2019 Minutes
other, learn from each other and help each other develop along the way. In the
last few years Nautilus International’s young members have successfully held
their committee meeting around the weekend’s agenda and because it has
worked so well this year we are encouraging all affiliates to utilise the weekend
for your young members and their committees to meet. With the new
classrooms and the extra space now at Quorn it is the ideal place to kill two
birds with one stone.
I would like to ask that all affiliates pass on to me the details of the officer that
heads up their young members’ section so that we can circulate the information
about the weekend to them as well as going through the normal GFTU
channels, as we want to get the word out to as many young members across
the affiliates as possible. In the past we have had members that have attended
the weekend and gone on to great things – paid union officials like myself and
Elliott Dean, stars of the music industry like Ian Mark and let’s not forget
prospective members of Parliament like Deanne Ferguson.
The weekend really is a spring board for young members and reps to help
them develop around the bread and butter reps courses that you can do
elsewhere. Facebook is a wonderful thing and every now and again it pops up
with a delightful memory and today is no exception. It came up with some
feedback from a few years ago, so I just thought I would read that, if that is
okay. This is from an MU delegate. “This weekend I was fortunate enough to
attend the GFTU on behalf of the MU at a picturesque hotel in Quorn,
Leicestershire. Although I saw it initially as an opportunity to expand my
network, I ended up learning a considerable deal about how powerful people
are when they work together, fearlessly and with the same intentions. I had my
eyes opened to a history I was not educated about at school. I saw first hand
an infectious passion and drive from individuals that make a difference to
communities day in day out. I witnessed politics and music unite a group of
complete strangers together from different trades, backgrounds and areas of
the UK. Although individuals, we stood together about the things we feel
passionate about. We listened to each others’ views, ate, drank, laughed and
mixed our colours together to make something bigger and beautiful than our
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