GFTU BGCM 2019 Minutes
stars and the household names, an overcrowded and underpaid profession. I
want young people to experience the fantastic feeling of performing, learning to
work closely with other people and retaining a love of music for the rest of their
Music is not just something you can hum along to and enjoy the tunes and
even be emotionally moved by them. Music and the other art forms often
provide a commentary on life and the society that we live in. Many of you will
have seen the film La La Land. Don’t worry, I am not going to sing anything
from it! There is a section in the movie when Mia, the female lead, is
auditioning and she sings a song about her dead aunt who was a bit of a
revolutionary. One part of the lyric really sticks out from me: “So bring on the
rebels, the ripples from pebbles, the painters, the poets and plays … here’s to
the fools who dream, crazy as it may seem”. The dreamers have a lot to say to
us and they tell us about the world and often explain why we feel like we do
about what is going on around us - in music Bob Dylan, Woody Guthrie who
had “This machine kills fascists” emblazoned across his guitar, Joan Baez; In
literature Dickens, Shelly, Orwell, Solzhenitsyn (who was sent to a gulag
because of his criticism of the State); in art Picasso. You cannot fail to be
moved by his painting Guernica, which gave us a premonition of what was to
come – and many, many more artists and writers. The GFTU’s Liberating Arts
Festival celebrated the role of the arts in politics and I hope that the federation
will keep developing and expanding its work in this area.
Moving on, the MU is affiliated to the Labour Party and over the years I have
had the pleasure, or mostly otherwise, of briefing Ministers and civil servants on
the big music industry issues of the day that will affect our members. These
have ranged from the intricacies of intellectual property to the crisis in music
education and the precarious nature of live performance. My experiences of
politicians are mixed. I have worked with some excellent Culture Ministers and
some pretty poor ones. You will not be surprised to hear that most Tory
Ministers refused to even meet me. However, the constant has been the
Government officials and advisers. While I respect that most Ministers have
been parachuted into roles that they do not necessarily have any experience
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