GFTU BGCM Minutes 2017
How does that relate to trade unionism today in Gibraltar? Brexit obviously has
been devastating for us, devastating. I was involved in the Remain campaign,
but it was a bit like preaching to the converted. We got a 96% vote to remain.
Why is that? Because now that we are moving out of the European Union we
feel very vulnerable and we feel very exposed. It has been no secret and it has
been extensively reported in the UK press, just as Brexit is coming along and
Article 50 has been triggered, that Spain has wasted no time in taking full
advantage and saying, “We are going to put our flag on the Rock and we are
going to do this and we are going to do that, it is a done deal, we are getting
Gibraltar back” and obviously for us it is a cause of great anxiety and great
concern. Where does that leave us in terms of trade unionism? We are hoping
and we are very sure that Britain will back us in terms of sovereignty and on the
political level, but economically we are facing terrible consequences and a
terrible future ahead. So in terms of the Gibraltar unions, it puts us in a position
where there is going to be a lot of work to be done in terms of protecting
workers’ rights and making sure that any fall back to the economy does not
erode workers’ rights.
I am very grateful for the opportunity to be here and to speak to unions, get
support from the GFTU. Certainly we are interested in making sure that our
internal structures are up to speed and we are as efficient and as streamlined
as possible to make sure that we can meet the certain future challenges ahead
as best we can. Thanks very much. That is us. I think I can say that we will
be making an application. We hope to work with you again in the future.
Thank you. (Applause)
THE PRESIDENT: Thanks very much, Wendy, that was absolutely fascinating.
Unless anybody wants to comment or raise any questions I propose to move
BRO CHARLIE SARELL (SUE): Just a straightforward question. I was just
wondering, what percentage of your membership is Spanish?
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