GFTU BGCM Minutes 2017
WENDY CUMMING: It is a bit difficult. In the more blue collar areas we have got
quite a few. I would say about 10%, bus drivers and cleaners in the more blue
collar areas, so, yes, we do have quite a few.
BRO MANUEL CORTES (TSSA): The agreement which she described was signed
between the two main Spanish unions which is the Confederación Sindical de
Comisiones Obreras and the Unión General de Trabajadores which represent
the overwhelming majority of Spanish workers together with the three unions in
Gibraltar and that is just to protect workers going forward and to ensure that the
economy does not collapse.
THE PRESIDENT: Okay, let’s move on. I hope that delegates have had the
opportunity to read the three page paper in your pack. I am going to ask Doug
to introduce the proposals in relation to the development of the site at Quorn.
THE GENERAL SECRETARY: We have got a very strong and well established
democracy in the GFTU and it basically means that the BGCM is the sovereign
body and between meetings of the BGCM the GFTU is the Executive
Committee, so for the last four years between BGCMs the Executive has had
the responsibility of looking at our future and our finances. I have only had one
seriously stressful day in working for the GFTU and that was the day I had to
sign the £1.6 million cheque for Quorn. I am not too bad at spending my own
money, but I think there is a great responsibility when we spend the money of
the movement in such numbers and I always keep in mind that the money that
the GFTU has stashed away in our investments is not the product of the banks
and the interest that we have received, but in origin the assets of the GFTU
were created by largely manual industrial workers in the first part of the last
century when they clubbed together to create a strike fund and a fund to
ensure that when workers were locked out, when they were made unemployed,
when they were victimised, that there was a pot of money in the GFTU that
they could draw on to keep their body and soul together. We found last year
some of the big ledgers, huge ledgers of where the GFTU had given donations
largely to workers in some of the worst sweat shops and most brutal industrial
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