GFTU BGCM Minutes 2017
network approach, yes, using our traditional strengths, but one that seeks to
unlock the potential for those who come across our learning agenda to play a
part in the movement that is built around their own existing or learnt skills
around a core set of competencies. We can do this, we can do this, and, as
Will himself would have said, Doug, Hamlet 3.1: “To be, or not to be, that is the
question: Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of
outrageous fortune, or”, as he might usefully say today, to get off our butts and
use our best skills and endeavours to build the confidence again to outwit and
ultimately prevail against the common enemy. This motion is about doing the
right thing. I move. Thank you. (Applause)
The motion was formally seconded
THE PRESIDENT: Does anybody wish to speak on this?
SIS CHRISTINE BOND (BECTU): I totally agree with this motion, I think it is totally
correct, but I want to say that one of the things that we have found within
BECTU in particular, since our sector of Prospect is very new, is that our
women’s committee and our black members committee and the activity of
building up those committees and those conferences and those meetings is
one of the key things that also builds up our reps and the breadth of our union
and so I think you need to look and the GFTU needs to look at the idea of how
much we can put into doing those sort of specific works of women’s
committees, disabled members committees and black members committees
and LGBT committees. (Applause)
Motion 3 was CARRIED unanimously
THE PRESIDENT: That moves us on Tim Marshall who is the manager of Quorn
Grange Hotel, one of the most difficult jobs in the world! (Laughter) Tim is
going to give us a not overly brief report on how things are going at Quorn.
TIM MARSHALL: I feel a bit strange today, because normally I do have the pleasure
of welcoming you to the BGCM at the Quorn Grange Hotel and that has been
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