Hotel Directors Meeting March 2020


Kitchen Team

Food and Beverage Team



Roles and responsibilities.

The expectations regarding a person’s knowledge, skills and behaviours are described in a role’s Person Specification.

The work expectations of a role are described in a Job Description.

There is a fair and clear recruitment policy in place in the organisation and both the Job Description and Person Specification are considered at the time of selection and appointment. Induction and training are important elements of fulfilling a role and the Hotel benefit from greater staff retention and a sense of achievement in a functioning team.

The Staff Handbook describes the recruitment, supervision and capability procedures.

Individual pay ranges.

Each post has a clear pay pathway.

If staff consider their pay to be too low or that they have less favourable remuneration that other staff they should raise the matter with their line manager through the supervision framework in the first instance.

Unfair pay claims.

If a pay issue arises that cannot be resolved through the usual supervision framework, the grievance procedure should be adopted for any unfair pay claims, which would be investigated by another Manager and the reported outcomes considered by the LEADERSHIP TEAM and Directors.

Pay reporting.

The Leadership Team undertake to produce a pay report for each Directors meeting.

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