Hotel Directors Meeting March 2020

QGH Leadership Team meeting, 10 th February 2020

Attended: Ian Richards, Tim Marshall, Andrew Pearson

Monthly reporting:

A number of related reports were shared before the meeting for consideration and comment.

Ian had produced an initial response to the document from Doug for the Directors and this was reviewed and adopted, it was agreed to produce updates periodically and share with Directors at their meetings as required.

Marketing update produced by Georgia Wilkinson

Site wide work update produced by Kona Seisay on behalf of the Site Manager

Health and Safety

Fire risk assessment completed by Red Fire and Safety adopted – actions that were incorporated and routine checks will be reported on separately by Richard Langham.

Next site wide working group for Health and Safety taking place on 11 th February.

Draft risk assessments will be carried forward to the next agenda as the work hadn’t been undertaken.

General Manager items;

Delivery of the management plan current priority.

Work on pay scales now completed with Ian and shared with Doug.

No current staff recruitment (in line with agreed process).

Work with Leicestershire Promotions Ltd proving very helpful to engage staff in the success of the business.

Finance focus;

Andrew reported on progress developing the Hotel budget (Directors have just adopted the income target and not the rest of the document i.e. expenditure projections), loan repayments, further work had been undertaken on cashflow projections, wedding costings and once finalised would be shared with Doug.

Ian’s feedback

The LPL workshop picked up 5 key areas and the following will be reported on in due course.

1. Tell the story of the hotel and its links with the GFTU in a way that is relevant to ALL our customers and enhances the customer experience (Group lead: Natasha Reed) 2. Offer the best Afternoon Tea experience and win the category at the 2020 tourism awards (Group lead: Richard Langham) 3. Re-evaluate our Christmas offer and assess potential for considerable growth (Group lead: Georgia Wilkinson) 4. Ensure the building and grounds are fully utilised for activities and events (Group lead: Tim Marshall) 5. Create a destination restaurant (Group lead: Richard Birchall)

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