Hotel Directors Meeting March 2020
There are two elements to this that have never been fully developed. The first is upselling within the hotel making guests aware of all facilities and offers and so on. The second is taking more opportunities to promote some services and things for sale through the educational trust. I believe there should be a special leaflet give to every guess on arrival about the Educational Trust, and one left in rooms. I am happy to write and design this from the marketing budget funds. I think if it can be managed we should create glass storage cabinets with some of the things for sale. Why is this important: Every penny counts and more opportunities for business overall are to be welcomed. Upselling is one dimension and we will pick this up through LPL training probably. Above and Below the line marketing via POS and direct sales on premises is the other element. Marketing budget incorporates both – once budget agreed will enact further. It is not clear to me how the budget and monitoring accounts for the income generated from the new electric charging stations. Why is this important. Every penny counts and we cannot provide electricity for free. The same applies to the gymnasium where membership appears perhaps not to be consistently promoted and attracted. The cost of vehicles being charged will charged via Rezlynx for guests to settle on departure, reports on uptake will be produced as it is being monitord as a separate budget heading. 6/3/20: now happening routinely with all teams. 20 Electric cars.
6/3/20: reporting through Rezlynx.
21 Activities
Activities and special events at the hotel are within a very traditional hotel framework, Christmas dinner, new year’s eve parties, valentines day, mother and fathers day etc. I still believe there are many opportunities for a great programme of events that could raise funds and be very enjoyable.
My sense is that events staff do not have the skills or vision to develop such a programme.
Why is this important: The hotel should be a vibrant busy centre of many events in the community and nationally. Some suggestions as to how we grapple with this are needed.
On-site marketing group to meet with Tim, Georgia and Ian ASAP
Social media log-in details to be supplied to Georgia.
Events and marketing initiatives to be discussed and planned then communicated to Directors.
6/3/20: one of the LPL Improvement Plan tasks.
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