November EC Meeting 2019

Tim, Kona and Ian have been repeating the paperwork review exercise to indicate any gaps and ensure we are on top of the work.

Site Maintenance.

The draft ‘think-piece’ on-site maintenance and the team’s work plan document was shared at the recent Hotel Directors meeting. As a result it was agreed that Neil and Gary’s posts should be transferred to the GFTU or Trust and the management of payments with an agreement to recharge the Hotel should start in the New Year. A draft site maintenance budget for the coming year has been produced. In preparing the budget, the following have been highlighted as requiring attention;


Legionella testing

- Fire Risk Assessment (clutter in Boiler house) - PAT testing (Thursday 14/11/19) - Winter preparedness And will be discussed at the next Health and Safety meeting.

Health and Safety.

The work of the site-wide Health and Safety working group continues and we have set dates for routine checks (PAT and various alarm testing, servicing and checks etc.). The next meeting of the site-wide Health and Safety working group has been proposed as Monday 9 th December 2019 at 1:00


Ade Marsh was on-site last week to take more photographs.

The Hotel has been shortlisted for the LPL Tourism awards and the HoD, Ian and Tim will attend the awards event.

A small gift is being produced for staff in recognition of their efforts throughout the site development.

We have ordered a fresh supply of ice scrapers in preparation for the winter.

Training and Staff Development.

We have the on-line option for staff to complete their Food Safety certificates to ensure Food Safety compliance. Tim and Ian have met Ben from HIT (Hospitality Industry Training) to discuss Apprenticeships for various roles in the Hotel as Leicester College have closed their Hospitality and Catering school.

Hotel and GFTU.

We still need to hold the meeting to discuss how we manage the bookings, key and domestic arrangements for the classrooms. Doug and Ian have started to draft a paper to provide context. Claire is sorting out timing for the meeting.

Ian Richards

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