Union Building Conference 2018

PENSIONS Pensions are our deferred wages and the landscape and negotiating complexities for them changes all the time. This year’s programme covers two ends of the spectrum - an introduction to pensions and an advanced course.


Public Speaking, putting our points across, feeling confident, interview skills.

EA43 Speaking out Confidently

1 day

Public speaking and putting a point of view across to lots of people doesn’t come naturally to anyone. This is why the public schools spend so much time in training the elite to have confidence that they can speak on anything any time anywhere. We need to speak up too. So this course will help you if you don’t like public speaking to others whether in the canteen or rally, but know you have to, or whether you’d just like to get some more confidence and know how about how to express your ideas. In a supportive environment and using some role plays and filmed speeches and interviews, you will get a chance in the way you are happy with to ‘have a go.’ The course is suitable for anyone who would simply like to be better at speaking to others. Unions like to see members get on in their career, but there is little preparation for members given by the employers when it comes to interviews for internal promotions and of course none when members want to move on to another job. This course will be a friendly and informative guide to getting the best out of yourself in the always daunting interview situations. EA44 Interview Skills

EA41 Introduction to Pensions

1 day

This course is not for negotiators and trustees. It is aimed at any trade unionists who wants to find out more about how pensions work, how they are managed, the roles of the Pensions Regulator, the difference between defined contribution and defined benefit schemes the basic government provisions and laws and the role of the Pensions Protection Fund. This is a start of the journey course that will take you a long way forwards. A policy analyst, Dr Jo Grady, a senior pensions lawyer, Ivan Walker, A senior trade unionists with a life time’s experience of pensions negotiations and now Trustee of the largest pension scheme in Europe, Ben Marshall, together with a senior actuary will consider the key issues and dynamics involved in top level pensions negotiations. This course is ideal for union side Trustees of pension schemes and all officials with pensions negotiations in their briefs. EA42 Advanced Pensions

2 day

1 day

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