Union Building Conference 2018
EA45 Liberating Arts Festival
3 day
Artists and cultural workers need their unions like never before and the unions need arts and cultural workers like never before. The GFTU has a long record of promoting progressive arts and cultural works in the Movement and is taking this a big step forward in 2017 with a major festival celebrating all of the art forms and groups that can support the trade unions more in their organising, campaigning and educational work. The festival will be full of great performances and interesting discussions and speakers and is a must for anyone who wants to see how our greatest cultural workers can fire the imagination of our unions. It will be held on November 3/4/5 2017 in the Yarnfield Conference Centre, Stone, in Staffordshire.
EA46 Creativity, Arts and Trade Unionism
1 day
How best can the arts be deployed in the Trade Union movement? Does art ‘with a message’ compromise the art?? How to use good imagery and writing in trade union activity, campaigning and recruitment. How important is it to find the right medium? What works? We will look at varying art forms used throughout the history of polemic art, from Picasso’s Guernica, WW1 poetry to contemporary art forms.
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