Union Building Conference 2018

Union Building Conference

Some of our presenters, guests and staff

James Cathcart

James was formerly Chief Executive of the British Youth Council and advises organisations, including trade unions on matters relating to youth engagement.

Paul DeFelice

Paul is Principal of Ruskin College and a historian. The GFTU has been actively involved with supporting Ruskin College for many decades and has reserved places on the governing Council.

Dr Kate Fallon

Kate is General Secretary of the GFTU affiliated Union the Association of Education Psychologists.

Marcos Garcia

Is a former transport trade union General Secretary in Venezuela and now works as the trade union attache at the Venezuelan Embassy in London.

Ian Lawrence.

Ian is General Secretary of the GFTU affiliated Union the National Association of Probation Officers and Family Court Staff.

Dr Sonia McKay

Sonia McKay is Professor of European Socio-Legal Studies at the Working Lives Research Insitute, London Metropolitan University. She heads a number of research projects, mainly focusing on discrimination, migration and collective organisation She holds a law degree from Queens University, Belfast and a Ph.D in employment law from Wolfson College, Cambridge. She previously worked for the Labour Research Department (LRD) where she held the post of employment law researcher from 1983 until 2004. She is a member of the Institute for Employment Rights.

Catharyn Lawrence

Catharyn is lecturer in trade union studies at Northern College and has been teaching on a number of GFTU Courses held at the College over the last year.

Gawain Little

Gawain is a member of the Executive of the National Education Union NUT Section and with Lindsay McDowell contributed a chapter to the recent GFTU Publication Trade Union Education .

John McDonnell, MP.

John is Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Lindsay McDowell

Is former education officer at the National Union of Teachers and is now the Head of Education at the Fire Brigades Union.

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