Union Building Conference 2018

Dr Grace Miller.

Grace is one of the post doc students working on the project supported by the GFTU on the history of the coalfields. Grace has worked previously with the trade union movement in New Zealand.

Edda Nicolson.

Edda is originally from Iceland and recently graduated in history from Wolverhampton University. The GFTU is sponsoring Edda to undertake her Ph D in the history of the GFTU.

Nadine Rae

Nadine is a Trustee of the GFTU Educational Trust and is Head of Education and Equalities at GFTU affiliated Union TSSA.

Lloyd Russell Moyles MP

Lloyd Chairs the All Party Parliamentary Group on Youth Affairs and supports trade unions on many issues in Parliament.

Dr Michael Sanders.

Mike is a Trustee of the GFTU Educational Trust and Senior Lecturer in 19 th Century Writing at Manchester University with a specialism in the Chartists.

Paul Scholey

Paul is the senior partner at Morrish solicitors and an employment lawyer who has attended previous GFTU Conferences. He advises Unions and individuals about workplace issues including industrial action and collective bargaining. He has a particular interest in cases relating to the use of Social Media and has facilitated GFTU training events on this subject.

Dr Mike Seal

Is a member of the new Workable Books Board on behalf of the GFTU Educational Trust and has attended the last two Union Building Conferences. He recently edited the GFTU/New Internationalist Book, Trade Union Education .

Alan Smith

Alan has attended the last two GFTU Union Building Conferences and will be leading the new Training the Trainers’ Course. Alan is Senior Lecturer in youth and community work at Leeds Beckett University with whom the GFTU has a partnership.

Christine Smith

Christine has attended the last two GFTU Union Building Conferences and lectures in youth and community work. Christine is at Hull University.

David Sorensen.

David heads the employment team at Morrish solicitors and manages a caseload of employment matters on behalf of unions, associations, professional bodies, charities as well as private clients.

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