GFTU BGCM 2019 Minutes
then we have got it in the second one and then, on top of that, I think the
Executive Committee will be happy to take this away and look at the whole rule
book in regards the way it refers to gender and it might need some more
amendments to come through, but they will be technical ones.
BRO IAN LAWRENCE (NAPO): Good morning, conference. Ian Lawrence from
NAPO. I actually find the term “his and her” outdated. “Their” duties.
THE PRESIDENT: “Their” or “your”, I know we have done that before. Let’s do
something like a sticking plaster solution this morning so we can get the
essence of the rule change through. I think you are right. I think we might
have to look at something more general and I think that is much better. I have
got an easy relationship with “his/her”. In some contexts it is very strange.
Language is complex and, as you say, Claire, it tells us about ourselves. We
are actually putting this forward. This is really important. Okay. If that is okay
with everybody we will take that away. Thank you very much for brining that
up. Just to let you know, the rules are under the red tab in the book if you want
to just cross reference here. This rule change results from the closing of the
last BGCM in 2017 when the former President, Ben Marshall, made a remark
about how we actually select/appoint, I am not going to use the word “elect”,
our General Secretary, because, like the TUC, we are a federation and even
though we are regulated by the Certification Officer, we are not subject to the
five year General Secretary statutory elections like you all are, like our affiliates
are, so we thought we would take the opportunity of looking at this.
I am going to hand over now to the Vice-President, soon to be President,
Oshor Williams, to move the rule change and to explain it and then it will be
seconded by Ronnie Draper. Thank you.
THE VICE PRESIDENT moved the following motion:
(1) Rule 15 (h) Amend second sentence to read after first sentence:
“The Executive Committee shall have power to fix the salary and working
conditions of the General Secretary and staff. Should illness, incapacity or
other reason cause the General Secretary to be unable to undertake his duties,
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