GFTU BGCM 2019 Minutes
or should the office of General Secretary fall vacant, the Executive Committee
shall have the power to appoint an Acting General Secretary for the duration of
any temporary vacancy”.
(2) Rule 18(a) Delete existing clause (a) and replace with the following:
“Appointment – The General Secretary and Treasurer of the GFTU (called the
General Secretary) shall be appointed by the Executive Committee in ways as
it may deem appropriate following an open recruitment and selection process.
The salary of the General Secretary shall be determined by the Executive
Committee; and the General Secretary shall remain in office so long as his/her
work and conduct give satisfaction to the Executive Committee. Under Rule 15
(h) the Executive Committee shall have power to appoint an Acting General
Secretary immediately that a temporary vacancy occurs. In the event of a
permanent vacancy occurring, the Executive Committee shall conduct an open
recruitment and selection process, including the establishment of essential and
desirable criteria, job description review and fair and rigorous selection
processes to secure an appointment from a committed and experienced trade
(3) Appendix 1
Delete all.
He said: Thank you, President. Good morning, conference. The rule change
which is referred to is Rule 15(h) if you are able to refer to that within your pack,
the motion is to amend the second sentence to read after the first sentence:
“The Executive Committee shall have power to fix the salary and working
conditions of the General Secretary and staff. Should illness, incapacity or
other reason cause the General Secretary to be unable to undertake his duties,
or should the office of General Secretary fall vacant, the Executive Committee
shall have the power to appoint an Acting General Secretary for the duration of
any temporary vacancy”. If I may, President, I will take the second proposed
rule change. I also move that within Rule 18(a) we delete the existing clause
(a) and replace with the following: “Appointment – The General Secretary and
Treasurer of the GFTU (called the General Secretary) shall be appointed by the
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