GFTU BGCM 2019 Minutes
Thank you very much. An accolade for Theresa. I am sure she will do a great
job for us in that role. Now I am going to ask you to accept the report, that is
the first green tab in the book, the activities report. First of all, any questions?
Is there anything Doug missed out, anything you need clarifying? I am glad
you can see it has not all been about managing the hotel and the building
works, although that has been significant in this period, I have got to say.
BRO JAMES BIRCHALL (Social Workers Union): James Birchall, President of the
Social Workers Union. I understand at one stage the Executive Committee did
discuss the possibility of operating an advice and representation service, but a
decision was taken not to progress that. I was wondering if that might be on
the agenda for future debate in the Executive Committee.
THE GENERAL SECRETARY: Yes, James is right, it was debated at the EC and it
came from one of the Union Building Conferences as well and I think a couple
of unions’ solutions to dealing with improving their own internal advice and
representation was to actually share panels of caseworkers. I am looking at
Ian Lawrence here, because a couple of unions have done that and maybe Ian
could come up and say a bit about that, if you would not mind. One of the
solutions that some unions found was what Ian will report on here, to establish
some joint case work and advice committees which meant that, I suppose, the
immediate demand on the EC to take that forward was lessened, but with new
discussions with new potential affiliates and new small growing unions, that
issue should certainly come back on the EC agenda and if you want to help
that debate through John who is on the EC, then please put something
through, but Ian has maybe got some interesting stuff on what a couple of
unions have done on that.
BRO IAN LAWRENCE (NAPO): Thank you, Doug. Very briefly I am happy to clarify
the position. Essentially, the scheme that Doug has described emanated from
the Union Building Conference where we started to develop networks with our
sister unions and we have got an arrangement with the AEP to have what we
know as a national representatives panel. These are not legally trained
activists, but they are seriously experienced, they have been round the houses.
Some remain in work in their respective professions, some are retired, so we
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