GFTU BGCM 2019 Minutes
have created a pool of people between NAPO and the AEP who will help
members in difficulty with their employment. It has worked extraordinarily well.
I commend that arrangement most certainly and would be happy outside of
conference to talk to anyone about it, as will our brothers and sisters from the
AEP as well.
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, Ian. Thank you for that, James. Any other points
about the report? Any other matters of clarification or questions on the report?
The Activities Report was formally moved, seconded and ACCEPTED
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Doug will be quite relieved that that one is
put to bed! Let us move on with some of the motions now and take us up to the
coffee break. I will call now Motion 8, NAPO. MOTION 8 – INITIATIVES AGAINST
BRO IAN LAWRENCE (NAPO) moved the following motion:
This BGCM welcomes the publication of the Government Bill on initiatives
against domestic violence including the possibility of legislation to make
‘stalking’ a criminal offence.
Conference notes the worrying increase in crimes reported as being related to
domestic violence, and the failure of this Government to ensure adequate
funding to local authorities and the voluntary sector to provide facilities to assist
victims of such incidents such as refuges, access to counselling and an
effective interface with other agencies including those involved with child
The Executive Committee are instructed to support unions and campaigners in
their efforts to see the Bill enacted into legislation.
He said: Brothers, sisters, chair. It is a fact that domestic violence is still a
major issue in society. In moving Motion 8 let me just give you a couple of
depressing statistics, shall I? There are still an average of two women per
week murdered by their partner or former partner. It is a fact that often it takes
in excess of 30 instances of domestic abuse which is generally targeted
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