GFTU BGCM 2019 Minutes
Opening up the scope of access to education in GFTU will encourage new
individuals the opportunity to gain access to trade union education and engage
with a whole new generation of activists to be qualified and empowered in
dealing with employers, industry and politics in a post Brexit world.
To open up the education access to all countrywide will equip the GFTU for
the future in addressing the increasing and progressive power of the trade
union movement.
Therefore SUE requests that:
• A feasibility Working Group is created to work towards opening access
and removing barriers to education at the GFTU and especially those
who are unable to travel to Leicestershire for block courses
• Regional areas to be selected as pilots to deliver a new way to access
trade union education with the GFTU
• Expanding the online learning pool modules, to look at the feasibility of a
designated regional mentor for support when completing online courses.
She said: I would like to think that we have saved the best until last. That is
what has kept me going for the last three days! I am Sarah Keig and I am
the Assistant National Secretary for SUE, the Society of Union Employees.
Conference, as a first time attendee and speaker at conference the last few
days have shown me what fantastic educational opportunities are available
to our members, from the great work being done at Ruskin and Northern
Colleges, Colin’s trailblazing work on the apprenticeship scheme and the
work announced by Doug that GFTU are looking to expand the educational
programme and are working with an independent consultant to do this.
Seven years ago I joined SUE and was immediately welcomed into the
union by our then Education Officer, Angela Gerrard. Angela forwarded a
list of courses and encouraged me and many other members to attend. I
took full advantage of the opportunities given to me, attending weekend
courses on stewards training, negotiating skills and employment law. As a
single woman with no dependents and no caring responsibilities living not
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