GFTU BGCM 2019 Minutes
the skills to challenge this prejudice, please support this motion and please let’s
get an education programme out there for our activists. Thank you.
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, Jacqueline. Any other speakers on this motion,
BRO DEWI HUGHES (AEP): Dewi Hughes, National Executive of the Association of
Educational Psychologists. I am supporting this motion on behalf of the
Association. We would heartily back this motion. As you would expect,
education psychologists work every day, every week with young people with
additional needs, special educational needs and disabilities, and agree 101%
with the previous speakers. I would just like to add that this prejudice and this,
if you like, bullying and aggression against people with additional needs or
learning differences starts actually in the schools. We are seeing an increase in
bullying of young people with SEND and that has been noted and reported by
the National Children’s Bureau.
I very much support the concept of having a toolkit developed and I think that
would be something that the AEP would be very happy, of course, to support,
to work with you to do that. My committee on the AEP would certainly be very
happy indeed to support that. I would just like to reflect, finally, on the values of
our movement, the left, and you can think of the left as an acronym, so
classically we have supported liberty, equality and fraternity. There is another
letter at the end, isn’t there? The T. That stands for “tolerance”, so we really
must get behind this motion and the practice it promotes. Thank you.
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much, Dewi. Any other speakers? (No
Motion 14 was CARRIED unanimously
THE PRESIDENT: So that concludes the day. Community Motion 4 and AEP Motion
1, we are going to take those as agenda item 19 in your running order, which
will be tomorrow morning, because Motion 2 has been withdrawn, so we will
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