GFTU BGCM 2019 Minutes

use that slot. Apologies for not getting on today. I hope you enjoyed this

afternoon. We have got a drinks reception at 7.15 here and then the dinner, so

enjoy your hour or so off. See you later. (Applause)

The Meeting adjourned until 9.00 a.m. the following morning.

MONDAY, 20 th MAY 2019

The Meeting re-assembled at 9.00 am

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, everybody. I hope you all had a good evening

yesterday. You are looking bright and fresh now. As you know, we are going

to finish early today to head down to Portcullis House. I am sure you all know

where that is. If anybody does not know, ask us. We are going to get the

wording for Motion 9 that was missing from the book around to you today. We

will be hearing Motion 9 tomorrow, so you have got a little while to have a look

at that.

While I am here, let me introduce our photographer, Ade, who is there in

action. If any of you would like delegation photographs, let Ade know and he is

very happy to do them. Thank you, Ade, that will be great. You can do that

during the day.

I think that is all from me before we start. We are going to have to juggle the

agenda a little bit. Dave Ward will actually come tomorrow, not today. I think

there has been confusion in his office with his diary. He expected to come

tomorrow. Luckily, Doug had a conversation with him, so we will rescue that


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