GFTU BGCM 2019 Minutes
out whether there is an opportunity for us to work together in solidarity and be
mutually supportive.
I will tell you the story of Win:Win. You have heard it on several occasions
already. One of the things that we are really keen to do is make sure that we
all get stronger through this model of collaboration and the benefit to the GFTU,
of course, is that any commissions paid are paid to the Educational Trust. I like
John’s quote yesterday and I also picked up on the paperwork that we should
be using quotes to make certain points. I have got one and it is from Albert
Einstein and it is that quote that we all know: “If you always do what you
always did you will always get what you always got”. I am just urging people to
think outside the box a little bit and let’s not forget that luck favours the brave.
When TSSA put the motion in 2015 that urged us to explore collaborative work,
it set me on a bit of a quest with the help of other people in the office to think
about how we can support affiliates to do things. We have then gone out and
found some commercial partners. Some we were already working with, some
are new on the scene. Mo is not in the room yet. He is knocking about
somewhere, but there is a new emerging product from PG Mutual which is
quite an exciting opportunity. We will tell you a bit about that. We have got
Protego doing NHS dental plans, we have got Steve Fox doing stuff for Affinity
Marketing. They are not here at the moment, but the opportunities are good
and they will generate revenue and opportunity for the affiliates plus it adds
value to membership.
I am going to start off by just reflecting on what we are doing from Quorn,
because our start point in all of this is what we can do in the office. As people
are aware, we have got some subcontracted services within the finance team.
Obviously we are looking after management accounts, performance reporting,
sales and purchase ledger, pensions administration, payroll and so on. Claire
will be with us shortly and she will be able to tell you about how that works, so if
there are things that you want around support for making your finance function
slicker I am sure that we can help out. There is then the stuff that we are doing
within the education team. There is a lot going on in education at the moment,
a lot of reforms. We look after the programmes for a couple of unions. It is
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