GFTU BGCM 2019 Minutes
generally all outlined in the Education for Action brochure, as you know, and
any of those opportunities can be taken and put on a bespoke basis for you.
Obviously, we would have to think about who pays for the tutor and who pays
for the travel and all those things, but there are some great opportunities in
We heard yesterday about the trailblazer opportunities. That is another good
opportunity for people to get involved and think about the next generation of
staff. We have got accreditation, so we can deal with City and Guilds and ILM.
We have got this mystical beast in the background ticking away which is a
learning pool. We have got an e-learning platform and it would be great for us
to be able to put a front and a back page on content so that you all have your
own e-learning portal. Again, it is a great way of making sure that people know
what they are doing. There are other things as well. There is the sort of back
office support stuff. We did some work with the social workers doing some
admin, we are talking to the Artists Union of England at the moment. We
looked after some open competitive tendering for NAPO. So there is a lot
which was all outlined originally in the pack. Most people have got that.
Because we have been developing some new products and services, I have
not rushed to produce a new pack yet, but over the next couple of weeks we
will get that to you through the post and happily enable those conversations.
Of course, the fourth element of what we have got internally is that part of the
GFTU family is the hotel. Tim and I worked together on marketing the hotel
and were grateful for the business that you have placed as affiliates, but there
is more that we can do. We are desperately keen that we make sure that we
are getting the message across to your members so that they know they can
come and take part in weekend breaks, party nights, whatever. The new
shape and feel of the hotel is exciting - 65 bedrooms, sit down capacity for 180
people now. Come over, have a cup of coffee with us, have a look around and
talk to us about how we can work together, because the people who use us, I
think it is safe to say, have a great experience, but we can extend it.
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