Hotel Directors Meeting March 2020

Sitewide Health and Safety working group meeting notes.

11 th February 2020.

GFTU Training Rooms

Present: Ian Richards, Tim Marshall, Richard Langham, Neil High.

1. Accident book review.

The GFTU and Hotel accident books were reviewed and accidents and incidents were considered, no significant action required but the situation will continue to be monitored and action taken accordingly.

2. Risk assessments.

Due to other pressures the proposed review of risk assessment was postponed to the next meeting.

A HSE template for Risk Assessments was shared for use.

The focus at the next meeting will be;

1. Public facing activity (weddings, meetings and events, leisure etc). 2. Pedestrians, parking and moving vehicles. 3. Staff – GFTU and Hotel by team i.e. F+B, Kitchen, Reception, Office based, Housekeeping, night supervisors, etc., 4. DSE / Workstations. 5. Site, plant and equipment.

It was agreed that the following actions are required;

1. Door bell on front and back door of the GFTU Offices. 2. Push bar on fire doors onto terrace by boardroom. 3. Gravel and drop kerb by the rear gates onto compound.

3. Training.

It was agreed that there needs to be Health and Safety elements in staff inductions.

Training has been arranged through Red Cross for;

3 rd March 3 rd March

Fire Marshall.

Manual Handling.

arranged primarily for Housekeeping staff.

First Aid.

None arranged currently None arranged currently

Health and Safety.

Food safety.

E-learning course details provided for Hotel kitchen staff (Tim, Chef and Richard aware).

Other training that needs to be organised includes;

Neil High - Knapsack training and a Chainsaw update

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