Hotel Directors Meeting March 2020

The site team will continue working on planned work, but appreciate that the Hotel budget is yet to be confirmed. Urgent work / repairs continue to be notified via the maintenance e-mail account.

The agreed priorities for work across the site are now being embedded;

1. Making things safe. 2. Protecting the GFTU’s Assets. 3. Generating revenue. 4. Improving the guest experience. 5. Planned projects.

Kona Seisay has been routinely producing a fortnightly summary of work completed against agreed priorities which, although Kona has left the organisation, we will continue to circulate and reflect on at Hotel Leadership Team meetings.

Suzanne Bielewicz will take this work on when she starts in the role.

Purchases for site wide work

We still need to clarify the process and thresholds for payments for site related work.

In my last report I stated that Tim has authorised PO’s and provided petty cash in the past and now that Neil and Gary have transferred to the GFTU payroll we need to clarify roles and responsibilities / processes. Some purchases will still be the responsibility of the Hotel and in other cases the costs may be split or recharged. Doug is often busy and may struggle to authorise everything that gets purchased, regardless of amount or urgency? Other regular payments, once authorised, should probably just get paid, where an agreed Standing order or Direct Debit exists.

Does the Finance policy cover the new arrangements or require adaption?

If not it would be good to explore if there is mileage in setting some guidance i.e.

Up to £25 and urgent: Neil to authorise but with PO provided with receipts attached

£25 - £100 and urgent: Ian and Neil to authorise but with PO provided with receipts attached

£100 – £500 and urgent: Ian and Neil to authorise with Doug (minimum by e-mail), 2 quotes required and with PO provided with receipts attached

£500 - £3000 – Purchase order procedure followed, agreement with Ian and sign off by Doug

£3000 + requires tendering

GFTU related:

GFTU and GFTU National Office Priorities for 2020.

The staff team at the GFTU are all working towards the following shared priorities, and some of this work is also related to or has an impact on the Hotel, i.e.:

GFTU Priorities 2020.

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