Hotel Directors Meeting March 2020
Directors Report relating to the document titled “Outstanding items for resolution and reporting from SMT and why they are important” produced by the GFTU General Secretary.
In the document Doug’s original comments remain in black text and the Leadership Team responses are in red, and green for updates on 6 th March 2020 for ease of reading. Throughout the response document we have chosen to call the SMT (Senior Management Team) a Hotel Leadership Team, to avoid people assuming that there is a separate hierarchy, while recognising the need for strong leadership throughout the coming year. I am not able to attend the SMT on 13 th , partly of course because I didn’t know it was on until my return from Xmas leave. It would be good if the schedule of SMT meetings could be sent to Claire to get in my diary. Doug is an ex-officio member and invited to all Leadership Team Meetings but appreciate that he is very busy. The meetings are routinely on the second Monday of each month to allow financial data to be gathered, processed and reported on. On a handful of occasions if finance data hasn’t been ready or there are exceptional organisational pressures, the dates have been moved slightly. All of the dates for SMT Meetings were provided as outlook diary appointments sent out 12 months ago, they are in Doug’s outlook calendar and we have now sent these to Claire Ryan. We use Microsoft outlook as it reflects an efficient diary management system in a modern workplace and we will also list the Leadership Team meeting dates as a word document.
Dates for the next 6 meetings are;
Monday 10 th February, 11:30 start.
Monday 9 th March, 11:30 start.
Wednesday 15 th April, 11:30 start (Monday is a bank holiday).
Monday 11 th May, 11:30 start.
Monday 8 th June, 11:30 start.
Monday 13 th July, 11:30 start.
The relevant governing bodies, the EC, the ET and the Hotel Directors have known for some years that if a very significant investment was to be made on the Quorn site, the effectiveness and organisation of the hotel and housing management would have to shift up a couple of gears. The Leadership Team at the Hotel appreciates the scale of the investment made by the broader organisation and the reason for the investment to create a more sustainable investment strategy and the challenges that the lack of focus, effective procedures and management at the Hotel under the previous ownership have presented in the past have at times been difficult. With limited data from the past and a constant need to chase revenue targets the pressure has been significant and there has been a need to develop the skills of staff while sharpening the focus on revenue generation, going forward there is a need to be open with staff about these pressures and the empower them to play a more active part in the success of the Hotel and Housing development.
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