Hotel Directors Meeting March 2020
QGH Quality calendar (GANT chart) to be produced for all working groups and committees.
The Directors are willing to provide any training and further support necessary to facilitate this processes. The Hotel Leadership Team will discuss their collective needs and individuals are also urged to discuss their personal development through supervision. SMT Action plan will include any agreed collective training that the SMT would like the Directors to deliver, all will be encompassed in the Training schedule once produced.
With regards to Leicestershire Promotions activity;
The outcomes from the initial LPL input at SMT on 13/1 to be reported on and outcomes to be incorporated into Action Plan. Dates and attendance list for LPL Training to be shared.
In no particular order, but in total, here is an essential list of outstanding business which now has to be attended to methodically. Clearly with the scale of investment the GFTU it is expecting better management information systems to monitor the situation, greater accountability and adherence to policy decisions taken. “better management information systems” to be considered at SMT on 13/1/2020 and established once agreed with GS and Directors. Andrew has worked with Tim to produce a Wedding Costs report. Tim uses Rezlynx to produce Occupancy, room rate and Hotel performance reposts which are reviewed at weekly Heads of Department meetings and Leadership Team Meetings. IR has provided copies of; For consideration and action through a period of reflection. If other MI reports are needed they can be developed. Accountability means acting according to collective decisions taken efficiently and fully reporting on developments. Openness and transparency are key. If you say you are going to do it, do it. We are always open to feedback, the functioning of the Leadership Team has improved significantly in the last year with greater openness and transparency, but if there are more specific elements of feedback that could be provided we are happy to discuss. Agenda’s and Minutes from SMT are produced and shared amongst SMT, We understand the Directors routinely receive copies from Doug. There is already written feedback from; HR Audit Site maintenance log
Leadership Team meetings.
Site wide Health and Safety working group. Heads of Department meetings. HR Audit. Site maintenance log.
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