Hotel Directors Meeting March 2020

The adoption of the Croner HR system will help significantly. 6/3/20: Croner have offered a reduced rate and would like to become a Win:Win partner – decision required. A system has been introduced whereby staff will not be paid unless their paperwork has been received. The next Directors meeting should have a report on how all this is being improved. Report will be provided. 6/3/20: Tim has agreed that this new procedure is being adhered to. Why is this important: It is a legal requirement to have written statements of particularly. It is good practice and part of any common sensical employment framework to have all relevant employment paperwork in place so that staff are clear on expectations and entitlements and that the employer is protected. Ultimately although the hotel staff are not employed by the GFTU, the reputation of the GFTU is threatened. As previously commented on, the recruitment procedures agreed at the Autumn Directors meeting to be adopted immediately. 6/3/20: Tim has agreed that this new procedure is being adhered to. Ian to adapt staff handbook to reflect this shift. 6/3/20: To be completed, would ideally be linked to adoption of Croner. It has been agreed several times to propose a staff pay grading structure prior to agreeing any further pay increases. Ian originally produce one, but a direct proposal from SMT has not been received. The Operations Manager has done a couple of drafts as I recall. A draft pay structure has been produced for consideration and discussion by Doug and was discussed briefly at the SMT meeting on 13/1/19. Further work was agreed and an agreed draft will be circulated to Directors. 6/3/20: Ian produced and Tim has shared with Doug and Directors. The lack of a grading structure internally means that there is no obvious career progression for people and this I understand is why we are losing another member of staff. Kim? It is also obvious that the current system works on the basis of grace and favour. This is corrosive and unprofessional. Imminent changes will prevent this culture as will the decision making being at Leadership Team level rather than exclusively being Tim’s responsibilitiy. Similarly I have had no response to what I produced previously which was in effect an equalities and diversity review of the staffing establishment and pay. These are a statutory requirement if triggered by employees and unions. I thought we should have one. It does reveal some issues and no SMT response has been received. An SMT response to the equalities and diversity report and a pay grading structure which reflects these concerns is needed. we will discuss Doug’s paper on “equalities and diversity review of the staffing establishment and pay” and the Pay structure proposal and respond. 6/3/20: Tim has agreed that we will comlete the report in March, which will be made easier with the appointment of Suzanne Bielewicz. Directors do require leavers and joiners information at each meeting and any regradings or new post designations. A monthly report will be produced and shared, then once reflected on and any actions taken, the report will be attached to the meeting records. 6/3/20: There have been no new appointments in the Hotel, although there are 2 vacancies currently appearing on the Hotel website (Weekend night porter and Commis chef). 3 Staff pay grading structure. Equalities and diversity.


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