Hotel Directors Meeting March 2020
Why is this all important: A pay and grading structure gives an objective basis for rewarding staff. An equalities audit is a statutory requirement and can be requested at any time and as a trade union related employer the hotel should be able to demonstrate transparently that it is pro-active about ensuring that it welcomes a diverse workforce treated with equality. It is important that any board of employers knows the joiners and leavers. SMT to provide a draft template for report for consideration and agreement. 6/3/20: draft outstanding.
4 Staff training and use of Leicestershire Promotions.
As mentioned, the GFTU agreed a lower rent from Leicestershire partnerships in return for their free and low cost provision of training to the hotel. It was requested that a clear plan of training be forwarded to give all staff an opportunity in 2020, this is still awaited. A plan with dates and names and topics needs to be provided.
Process began at the SMT meeting on 13 th January and schedule will be provided.
Why is this important: The GFTU has already subsidised the hotel by making this lower rental arrangement on the basis that CPD and training for all hotel staff would play an important role in generating and sustaining business to achieve the budget. We should have a positive commitment to all staff to train and upskill them. A positive engagement adds to motivation. 6/3/20: work underway, first session held successfully and follow up session currently being prepared for by group leads, improvement plan below;
Quorn Grange Hotel Improvement Plan
‘Quorn Grange is acclaimed as the best in everything we do’
• Our building
• Our grounds and setting
• Our people
• Exemplar employer
• Ethical
• Commitment to sustainability
• Always exceeding customer expectations
• Every member of the team is empowered and respected
• Continuous Improvement
• The customer is at the heart of everything we do
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